Just when you thought it was safe to avoid changing the all season tires this year the first icy blasts from the East are a reminder that it's best to spend 2 hours in the garage on a sunday trying to locate the snow tires before it's too late. I knew where they were. It just took 2 hours to get at them.
Firstly, for those of you unfamiliar with the urban Scot's 'to haver', is to talk foolishly and at great length. Something I'm more than a little guilty of so I've been told. Now I might be a fool to even want to talk about, or haver on about something as frivolous as a woodwind instrument pad saver, but a lot of people don't know what it is, don't know what it does or how to use it, or won't even go anywhere near it due to a bad experience or have read dark and disturbing story's of fear and dread.